
Addressing Racial Disparities in Health Care

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The Clinical Trial Disparity: Why So Few Black Patients Enroll

In trials for 24 of the 31 cancer drugs approved since 2015, fewer than 5% of participants were Black. As a result of this disparity, Black patients aren't getting access to experimental, and possibly lifesaving new therapies.

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How to Prevent COVID-19 From Taking a Toll on Your Mental Health

We often talk about COVID-19 in terms of infections and deaths. What sometimes remains unspoken is the emotional toll this virus has had, not only on patients, but also on the doctors, nurses, and other health professionals who care for them. Research finds that these frontline medical workers face high levels of depression, anxiety, and stress.

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Practical Advice for Physicians Struggling with Mental Illness

A mental health crisis is going on right now, and acknowledging it is a first step in addressing the problem. The demanding pace of the industry puts physicians at high risk for burnout, particularly in the midst of the high-stress environment that a global pandemic brings.

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Nurturing the Relationship with Your Patients to Deliver Better Care

The strength of your relationship with your patients can have a significant impact on the quality of care you provide. Trust is one of the cornerstones of this relationship, but building that trust takes time and effort. And when you're juggling a heavy patient load, time can be a commodity in short supply.

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How to Bridge the Information Gap and Overcome Distrust When Treating Women of Color

People of color face the highest rates of cancer, and of cancer mortality, than any other racial or ethnic group. Black women in particular have higher death rates, despite having a lower incidence of cancer overall.

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Cancer Affects Communities of Color Differently; How Providing Information on Prevention Can Help Level the Playing Field

Myeloma is just one example of a cancer that disproportionately impacts communities of color. Black Americans are twice as likely to have the precursor condition, monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) than are white Americans.

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Improving Diversity in the Medical Community Key to Increasing Trust Among Black Patients

Having a doctor with the same racial background builds trust, and makes patients more likely to comply with medical advice, follow through with recommended screenings, and take their prescribed medications.

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COVID-19 Pandemic Reinforces the Need to Care for Your Mental Health

Fear of being perceived as weak or unable to do their jobs has created a stigma that prevents many physicians from accessing the mental health care they need. Inadequate treatment may be one reason why the risk for suicideĀ is so much higher among doctors than it is in the general population.

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